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A Guide to Release Your Ego Mind, Lead With Your Heart and
Create The Life You Would Love To Live



Mindful Mindlessness

by Joe Frazzette


A Guide to Release Your Ego Mind, Lead With Your Heart and, Create The Life You Would Love To Live


146 pages


Paperback $19.99
Kindle $5.99

ISBN-10: 1092198288
ISBN-13: 978-1092198288

The external trappings of life have had humankind confused for centuries. From the beginning of our existence to the current day men have pondered the same questions; two of which are, who am I? where did I come from?


The answer to those questions, and many more, have been the impetus of the journey of many broken men. It is those answers that would provide the wisdom to experience a successful life that has evaded many seekers.


We have yet to find good replies to those difficult questions that persist. As a result, in our pursuit of truth, we continue to project the same fear, the same chaos, and the same results.


Some may believe the truth we pursue is somewhere outside of ourselves, and yet the truth has always been within us, each one of us. In Mindful Mindlessness, Joe Frazzette takes you on a journey of the heart toward your true self. You will be exposed to ways of reaching life at a higher level of existence.


It is a level of living that you will be exposed to, that puts you in communion with not only the Source of creation, but everything within it. And the only motivation for obtaining this level is to conjoin the pure Love of which you are a part. Discover your true self now, as your spirit awaits you.


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